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Learning CW

How I Learned CW

I started learning CW by watching Youtube videos. Some videos are better than others, but I soon realized that I

Extra Class

Tanto addidit sua fuerant lanient habitandae

Sine sed diffundi proximus. Super minantia praeter temperiemque scythiam. Posset: nix aliis acervo magni acervo temperiemque formaeque. Pinus locis? Liquidum

Descenderat terra mundum descenderat


What’s so great about 2m/70cm simplex?

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has heard other amateur radio operators say the art of simplex communication

Silver Appleyard Ducks

What happened to our ducks

A couple of years ago, coyotes got into our duck pin and killed all 31 of our appleyards.

We are aware of a special breeder of this beautiful waterfowl and would be glad to get you in touch with her.

Amateur Radio Glossary

Technician Class

General Class

Extra Class

Linux For Amateur Radio

Multiple flexible User Options

Tired of Microsoft? I know I am. That's why I moved away from anything and everything Microsoft around 2010. It was the best thing I've done when it comes to computers. Ubuntu is the Linux distribution I use. It's a fully featured operating system that leaves Windows in the dust.
Linux has many great programs for the amateur radio operator. The best part is that the programs are open-source and free for all to enjoy.

Travel Diaries

Flexible and User Friendly

Utque orbis sed faecis. Caeleste semine fabricator facientes cesserunt sunt triones. Os terra deducite ignea ponderibus opifex quia sata. Securae mundo pulsant inter.

Aliis undas boreas deducite quarum fert. Securae mundo pulsant inter moderantum scythiam naturae. Os terra deducite ignea ponderibus opifex mundo quia sata.

Country Lifestyle

Strong Willed and Independent

Living in the country isn't for everyone. A lack of modern conveniences prevent most people from leaving their city life. These are some of the little things we do everyday to make our lives more enjoyable. For instance, what you see pictured is a Grainmaker #116 grain mill that I use to grind wheat into flour to make everything from biscuits to pancakes. Who knows, I might even list some old family recipes for you to try.

We Create Designs That Work!

Vestibulum quis leo risus. Mauris risus a laoreet blandit. Cras eu arcu quis sem faucibus volutpat. Praesent facilisis mauris

Flexible And Friendly!

Vestibulum quis leo risus. Mauris risus a laoreet blandit. Cras eu arcu quis sem faucibus volutpat. Praesent facilisis mauris

Robust Code & Lightening Speed!

Vestibulum quis leo risus. Mauris risus a laoreet blandit. Cras eu arcu quis sem faucibus volutpat. Praesent facilisis mauris

Compatible with all Major Plugins

Vestibulum quis leo risus. Mauris risus a laoreet blandit. Cras eu arcu quis sem faucibus volutpat. Praesent facilisis mauris

More About Me

  • Test 1

  • Test 2

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