I like being able to run my equipment when I want to without having to worry about power outages. I don’t know how things are where you live, but here at my location there are power outages all the time. The time of year doesn’t seem to matter. I’m alwaysContinue Reading

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has heard other amateur radio operators say the art of simplex communication with other hams is dead. While it is true that there is a lot of traffic on the repeaters, at least in my area, there are those of us thatContinue Reading

I like to eat. Most people do, but at what cost? Have you ever watched what people eat on their lunch breaks? I have and I’m not impressed. Most people don’t even pack a lunch anymore, opting instead to purchase the food they eat during the work day. A lotContinue Reading

When I get up in the morning I like to drink a hot cup of coffee. I tried using those cheap coffee makers you buy in the big box stores, but they always stopped working within a few months. I attribute this fact to the place they were made andContinue Reading